- "Perspectives in Teacher Education," (Paper presented at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 16, 2007).
- "Leading the Learning in Democracy Building," (Paper presented at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference in Collaboration with Partners Czech, Pruhonice, Czech Republic, June 25, 2006).
- "Moral and Ethical Dilemmas for School Leaders in a Global Age," (Paper presented at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, June 17, 2005).
- "A Tribute to Richard Gross," (Paper delivered at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference, Guanajuato, Mexico, June 17, 2004).
- "Ten Tips for Teaching in the Aughties," (Presentation made as keynote session for series of professional development seminars, Antigua State College, St. John’s, Antigua, February 17, 2004).
- "Changing Teaching in an Era of Change: A Reaction to a Study of Professional Development," (Paper delivered at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, July 6, 2003).
- "Integrating International Technology Standards in Teacher Education Programs," (Paper delivered at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference, Oxford University, July 5, 2001).
- "Critical Issues Facing Supervisors-Solving the Problems Beyond the In-box," (Paper delivered at the thirty-second Northeast Regional Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Boston, MA, March 7, 2001).
- "Social Studies for the Aughties," (Keynote address at the twenty-eighth Northeast Regional Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, Boston, MA, March 8, 1997).
- "Supervisor Issues Around the World," (Panel presentation chaired at the National Social Studies Supervisors Association Conference at the seventy-sixth National Council for the Social Studies Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 22, 1996).
- "Education for Character in American Schools around the World" (Paper delivered at the Social Science Education Consortium Annual Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, June 7, 1996).
- "Meeting Local and Global Needs" (Clinic presented at the Bermuda Department of Education Middle Schools, Media, and Multiculturalism Workshop, Hamilton, Bermuda, January 27, 1996).
- "The Supervisor and the Improvement of Instruction" (Paper delivered at the seventy-fifth National Council for the Social Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 9, 1995).
- "Situational Leadership and the Social Studies Supervisor" (Clinic presented at the twenty-fourth annual Northeast Regional Conference on the Social Studies, Boston, MA, March 4, 1993).
- "How to Succeed in Implementing a New Program by Really Trying" (Keynote address delivered at the National Geographic Society-Massachusetts Geographic Alliance Summer Institute, Wellesley College, July 8, 1991).
- "Social Studies Textbooks for the Future" (Reaction paper presented in response to address by Chester E. Finn at the Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Dallas, TX, November 16, 1987).
- "An Administrator's View of Citizenship Education" (Paper delivered at the Citizenship and Teacher Education Conference, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, June 19, 1986).
- "Why Kids Don't Like Social Studies and What You Can Do about It" (Paper delivered at the Eighteenth Annual Northeast Regional Conference on the Social Studies, Boston, MA, March 7, 1986).
- "The Relevance of the Old 'New' Social Studies to the Present and Future" (Paper delivered at the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, Chicago, IL, November 24, 1985).
- "Teaching about and Learning from the Greeks" (Workshop presented at the New England Conference on Teaching and Learning, Boston, MA, March 2, 1983).
- "Making Creative Use of Existing Staff" (Paper presented at the AASA Instructional Management Conference, Washington, DC, June 21, 1982).
- "Developing and Implementing an Effective Teacher Supervision and Evaluation Program" (Workshop presented at the ASCD Institute on Teacher Evaluation, Washington, DC, December 12, 1980).