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Personalized Services for School Leaders

Mentoring New School Administrators

  • Developing the knowledge, dispositions, and skills related to a vision of learning; the culture of teaching and learning; management of the organization, operation, and resources; relationships with the broader community to foster learning; integrity, fairness, and ethics, in learning; and the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context of learning.

Managing Schools and School Organization

  • Applying management or leadership theories such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, McGregor's Theory   X and Theory Y, Herzberg's Motivation/Hygiene Theory, Deming's TQM/CPI, and Ouchi's Theory Z.
  • Selecting a leadership style based on the competence and commitment or development levels of staff.
  • Managing conflict situations.
  • Planning strategically to implement change.

Supervising Instruction

  • Identifying one’s own attitudes about supervisory functions, the kinds of professional relationships with which one is most comfortable, and one’s personal flexibility.
  • Applying basic communication skills.
  • Evaluating a teacher evaluation system.
  • Applying techniques to gather classroom data and provide a mirror for the teacher.
  • Employing procedures for disciplining instructional personnel and dealing with nonproductive teachers.

Developing Curriculum

  • Performing a comprehensive analysis of a curriculum.
  • Determining student learning styles.
  • Identifying curriculum goals.
  • Selecting instructional strategies and resources.
  • Organizing and sequencing instructional strategies.
  • Implementing, monitoring, and evaluating curriculum materials.
  • Analyzing major issues related to the curriculum in schools today.

Leading the learning

  • Developing a culture of teaching and learning.