Member, Council for Teacher Education, New Hampshire Department of Education.
- Member of Steering Committee, Southern New Hampshire School-to-Careers Partnership, Inc.
- Former member and chair of accreditation teams for New England Association of Schools and Colleges and European Council of International Schools.
- Former member, Oversight Committee, Education Support Center for South Central New Hampshire, Southeastern Regional Education Service center (SERESC).
- Former member, Task Force on Accreditation and Certification Standards, New Hampshire Board of Education: Member of Program Approval Subcommittee.
- Former member of Professional Development Advisory Board, New Hampshire Foundation for Teaching and Learning.
- Former member, Professional Development Council, Nashua ( New Hampshire) School District.
- Former member, Professional Standards Board, New Hampshire Department of Education.
- Former member, Task Force for Southeastern Regional Education Service Center (SERESC) Virtual Laboratory School.
- Mosaic icons fund-raising chairperson, church history editor, former editor of newsletter, and former member of the Board of Trustees and education committee, Greek Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of Our Saviour, Lowell, Massachusetts.
- Past chairman, Task Force on Teenagers and Religious Education, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America.
- Former member of the Board of Trustees, University of Lowell (University of Massachusetts-Lowell): chairperson of affirmative action committee and chairperson, committee to oversee the University of Lowell Research Foundation.
- Former member of the Board of Directors, Andover Committee for A Better Chance (a residential public school program for minority high school students): Chairperson, nominating committee and search committee for resident directors.